¿Cuánto tiempo falta para que se apruebe mi solicitud de pedido?
Grassroots Labs (GRL) se asocia con una organización de supervisión médica para autorizar los pedidos y proporcionar consultas sobre los resultados para los clientes de GRL. La supervisión médica de GRL aprueba los nuevos pedidos enviados por los clientes de Grassroots Labs, 5 veces al día entre las 8 de la mañana y las 8 de la tarde, hora del este. Este proceso se explica a continuación:
- Orders made between 8:00am - 4:59pm EST, will be approved 0-3 hours after being ordered.
- Orders made between 5:00pm - 11:59pm EST, will be approved the following day by 11:00am EST
- Orders made between 12:00am - 7:59am EST, will be approved the same day, by 11:00am EST.
GRL provides a convenient way to view the estimated approval time for orders in user's Order History, found by clicking on the My Account button, when logged into the GRL website. In addition, users will receive an email letting them know their orders are approved and that they can print off their requisition in their account and go to the testing center.
Visitar el Centro de Pruebas / Concertar citas en el Centro de Pruebas
Users who want to visit the testing center during normal business hours should wait until their order is approved before going to the testing center.
Users who purchase testing after 5:00pm EST will need to wait until the following morning for their lab order to be approved. Again, we will send an email letting the user know when the order is approved.
Los usuarios pueden seguir acudiendo al centro de pruebas o pueden concertar una cita a través de Quest Diagnostics.